Communicational strategy Type 7 and hyperactivity

Type seven

The Enneagram Type 7, often associated with the pursuit of pleasure, adventure, and avoidance of pain, presents a fascinating case through the lens of Polyvagal Theory. Type 7s are characterized by a strong activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the body's response to stress and is responsible for the 'fight or flight' reaction. This activation aligns with their desire for constant stimulation and fear of missing out, driving them to seek new experiences and avoid negative emotions or situations that might bring discomfort.

Sympathetic Activation and Scarcity

For Type 7s, the core fear or system of unsafety is linked to the idea of scarcity, particularly the fear of being deprived or trapped in emotional pain. This scarcity is not just material but also emotional and existential, leading to a gnawing inner emptiness. In response to this perceived scarcity, Type 7s ramp up their sympathetic activity, propelling them into a state of constant motion and pursuit of fulfilling experiences. This relentless drive is an attempt to "fill themselves up," to counteract the deep-seated fear of emptiness and lack.

Down the Polyvagal Ladder

Similar to the Enneagram Type 2, Type 7s may descend the polyvagal ladder to a state of sympathetic activation when confronted with the potential for scarcity or confinement. This descent is marked by an increase in energy and a focus on external activities and acquisitions to stave off feelings of emptiness or inadequacy. The underlying belief, "I'm OK if I'm filling myself up, you're OK if you're filling me up," underscores a dependency on external sources for inner fulfillment.

Gluttony as a Coping Mechanism

The strategy of gluttony, in the case of Type 7s, extends beyond physical consumption to include an insatiable appetite for experiences, knowledge, and even spirituality. This overcompensation is an attempt to cover up deep-seated feelings of worthlessness and to maintain the illusion of abundance and self-sufficiency. The fixation on planning and the pursuit of potentialities over actualities serve as a distraction from the present moment and the reality of their inner emptiness.

Narcissism and Confusion

In their quest to escape scarcity and emptiness, Type 7s may become enamored with an inflated image of themselves, leading to narcissistic tendencies. This fusion with an image of over-abundance and self-worth creates a disconnection from their authentic selves and a confusion between imagination and reality. The fear of not being enough drives a continuous cycle of acquisition and achievement, perpetuating the trance of needing to "fill up" at all costs.

Polyvagal Interpretation

From a polyvagal perspective, the challenge for Type 7s lies in moving up the ladder to a more regulated state where the ventral vagal system is engaged, promoting feelings of safety, connection, and groundedness in the present moment. This requires acknowledging and addressing the underlying fears and scarcity mindset, cultivating internal sources of fulfillment, and developing practices that encourage mindfulness and emotional regulation. Through this shift, Type 7s can find a sense of abundance and contentment within themselves, reducing the reliance on external validation and the compulsive need to escape discomfort.