Non Verbal Hypnosis and Polyvagal theory

Why non verbal hypnosis? We observe that through non verbal stimulation people can get to a deeper state than with only verbal stimulation. The non verbal is denser than the verbal. The words are just a map. Also animal hypnosis is non-verbal

Animal hypnosis and catalepsy

This video show an animal that has become catatonic (a state of animal hypnosis) due to the fear of cars

Animal Hypnosis and the four states

Venturing deeper into the enigmatic world of animal hypnosis intertwined with polyvagal theory, we uncover many behaviors and neurological states that transcend the boundaries of species. The journey through catalepsy, somnambulism, lethargy, and the captivating realm of fascination reveals an intricate dance of life, each state painting its own story on the canvas of consciousness.

Fascination, more than just a compelling gaze, acts as a gateway to profound focus, momentarily quieting the storm of thoughts to reveal a singular point of intense attention. It beckons to the deepest recesses of the brain, stirring the primal instincts governed by the dorsal vagus nerve.

Catalepsy presents itself as a fortress of stillness, ranging from a gentle pause to an impenetrable state of tonic immobility. This protective embrace, echoing through the wild and into the human psyche, offers solace from the relentless surge of stress, a testament to the dorsal vagus's calming influence.

Somnambulism, with its mysterious unfolding of actions devoid of conscious guidance, mirrors the therapeutic odyssey of releasing pent-up emotions and memories. It underscores the polyvagal theory's significance in navigating past traumas, highlighting the potential for healing through the release of dorsal vagus constraints.

Lethargy invites us into the depths of relaxation, evolving into a profound state of collapsed tonic immobility, a sanctuary of introspection and renewal. This state, possibly a harmonious blend of dorsal and ventral vagal activation, symbolizes a return to one's core essence.

Through the polyvagal lens, these hypnotic states illuminate the complex ballet of our nervous system, drawing parallels between human and animal experiences and underscoring our collective journey toward understanding and healing. This exploration not only bridges species but also weaves a narrative of shared biological and emotional threads, offering a window into the universal nature of life's hypnotic rhythms.

Human cataleptic states

In the treatment with polyvagal mesmeric crisis reaching the state of catalepsy is an important passage for solving the problem