The hidden neurology behind the states of Bliss

Bliss in a Polyvagal Perspective 

In the context of Polyvagal Theory, bliss can be understood as a unique, harmonious state where both the ventral and dorsal vagal systems are engaged in a balanced manner, leading to a sense of profound well-being and connectedness. This nuanced state is distinct from the activation of the ventral vagal system alone, which is typically associated with feelings of safety, social engagement, and calmness but may not reach the depths of bliss experienced when both systems are balanced.

Ventral Vagal Activation: A Foundation for Well-being

Blended Ventral and Dorsal Activation: The Pathway to Bliss

Experiencing Bliss in Social Contexts

Empowerment through Awareness of Alternatives

In summary, Polyvagal Theory provides a framework for understanding bliss as a state where the safety and connection of ventral vagal activation are enriched by the deep inner peace of dorsal vagal engagement, creating a profound sense of well-being that transcends ordinary experiences of calm or safety.

The state of hypnotic ecstasis with non verbal hypnosis

This state is comparable to a profound bliss. As we note there is a tendency of the person to lean backwards in connection with the dorsal state activation